Signature of BOXBO
Wistiti Green is a unique concept, signature of BOXBO. A childish style with unique character distinguished by two different expressive smiles on the left foot and the right foot.
This model offers a beautiful emerald green colour that's remarkable with the contrasts of materials between the metallic leather of the heel strap and the suede fabric of the sandal.
Paint edge, embroidered eyes, bronze buckle offre a nice finish.
The flexible cork Midsole, made of natural cork and rubber. Renewable and natural material, thermal insulation that also dampens shocks. Resistant and non-slip outsole is 100% naturel rubber.
100% non toxic materials. Care advice: wash with clear water after use at sea. Otherwise use hot water and soap.
We advise you to look at the size chart to choose the right shoe size. For example, if your child's foot is 19.20 cm long, you must add 1 cm, and then look in the chart for the closest shoe size. 19,2cm+1cm=20,2cm. 32 is the closest shoe size to 20.2cm.
Signature of BOXBO